First Post!

By tenox, First published: 2024-04-11 11:34, Last updated: 2024-05-18 21:49

Hello World!

Whats this?

Since blogging became a thing I always wanted to have a personal blog. However I never really came across any sane technology to work with. It's year 2024. After almost 3 decades of looking at other people's drama with Wordpress and the LAMP stack as a whole, I've finally decided to write my own blog (and a wiki) engine from scratch. Seriously, how hard can it be, it's just a bunch of HTML templates and Markdown. This blog is a dogfood deployment of the platform following it's development progress.

Platform goals

I hope these will appeal to some.

  1. The UI, both the viewer and admin panel should vaguely resemble WordPress and MediaWiki, but without all the bloat. There will be "themes", based on simple .html template files. The engine will serve different template based on the user agent. There will be a "modern" template, legacy HTML 4.01, 3.x, Lynx / text mode friendly and just pure markdown for Curl! Also RSS feed and maybe Gopher?

  2. The articles will be stored in plain text files (.md) in a folder on disk or S3 bucket. Editable with your favorite text editor. You can post and edit articles from command line if you like. Versioned with Git or S3 API. No databases! There of course will be a wp-admin style management interface for traditional, web based management.

  3. The server software will be a single, statically linked, self contained binary. Suitable for running on most modern OSes without any external dependencies. Including Plan 9! No LAMP or any other stack, scripting runtime or even a library. Of course it will work in containers and serverless platforms like Cloud Run, Lambda, etc.

Stay tuned!